MRI Head & Neck

Check your: brain, eyes, face, sinuses, throat

Good for: headache, dizziness, face spasm, forgetfulness

MRI Pelvis

Check your: womb, ovaries

Good for: PV spotting, menstrual problems, pelvic pain / fullness, pelvic growth

MRI Inner Ear

Good for: ringing in ears, dizziness

MRI Prostate

Check your: prostate, seminal vesicles

Good for: difficulty urinating, dribbling, blood in urine, screening

MRI Spine

Check for: slipped disc, spinal cord, cancer

Good for: neck pain, back pain, Numbness, pins and needles in arm / leg

MRI Liver

Check your: liver

Also checks: gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, kidneys

Good for: characterisation of liver growths found on ultrasound

MRI Joints & Muscles

Check your: joints for internal derangement, ligament, tendon or cartilage problem

Good for: sprains, arthritis, small fractures that cannot be seen on X-rays

MRI Lumps & Bumps

Check your: lump / bump anywhere on your body

Good for: assessing a lump / bump to check if cancerous or non-cancerous