Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
To every great solution for a problem, is the right understanding of where it all begins.
MRI uses a strong magnetic field to produce pictures of the body. No X-rays or ionising radiation is used, and you will not feel anything during the scan. MRI pictures are more detailed than any other medical imaging method, and can detect tumours or fractures that are too small to be seen on X-ray.
Magnet Safety
Metal objects cannot be brought into the MRI room, due to the scanner’s strong magnetic field. Our clinic staff will check that you have no incompatible metal implants before proceeding . You will then be asked to change into a patient gown for your exam.
The MRI machine produces a buzzing sound when taking your pictures. However, earphones will be provided to block out the sound. Our staff will remain in contact with you via intercom throughout the entire scan to make sure you are alright. You will also be given a call bell in case you need to communicate with our staff. An injection of dye may sometimes be needed to take more detailed images of certain organs or blood vessels.
Exam Time
An MRI exam typically takes 20-30 minutes on average. It is important that you hold still for the duration of the exam, so that your MRI pictures will turn out clear and sharp.
Common types of MRI
Before your exam…
Liver / Pancreas / MRCP
No food & drink 4 hours before these MRI exams
All other MRI exams
No preparation is required for other MRI exams
Only good health can give you true happiness
- Magnetic field strengths are measured in Gauss and Tesla (1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss), named after the German mathematician Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss and the Serbian physicist Nikola Tesla.
- Quantum Medical’s scanner has a field strength of 1.5 Tesla, which is 30,000 times stronger than the Earth’s magnetic field
- In order to generate the strong magnetic fields used in MRI, liquid helium is used to cool the scanner’s electromagnetic cables to near absolute zero. At these temperatures, there is virtually no resistance in the cables, allowing them to conduct electrical currents that can generate strong magnetic fields.
- Moving during a scan distorts the images and hence re-scanning may be required.
- Some patients may experience claustrophobia i.e. fear of enclosed spaces in the MRI machine and require time to cope.
- Unexpected findings during the scan may require more images to be taken and processed or injection of a dye, hence scan times may be longer than usual.
- Some patients (e.g elderly or handicapped) may need to take a break in between to stretch from a certain position or visit the restroom.