Gaining knowledge is the first step to wisdom, sharing knowledge is the first step to humanity
- January 6, 2023·
The pituitary – a small but mighty pea
The pituitary gland is a pea-sized (about 1 cm) structure that sits within the sella turcica ("Turkish saddle"), a cup-shaped depression in the sphenoid bone at the skull base.
- November 8, 2022·
The Thyroid
The thyroid is a soft, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck and in front of your throat.

- June 8, 2021·
The shrinking brain
Few scoring systems contribute to grading severity of dementia which will in turn contribute to management of the disease.

- March 25, 2021·
Dementia is diagnosed when a person’s thinking and memory capacity degrades to a point that it impacts daily living.

- January 4, 2021·
MR imaging of the penis
While ultrasound (US) remains the 1st line imaging modality for evaluating diseases of the penis, MRI has shown specific advantages, owing to excellent soft tissue contrast and good spatial resolution, ability to evaluate less accessible or complex anatomy and ability to detect subtle disease.

- November 8, 2020·
MRCP, The fine art of imaging the pancreato-biliary tree
A 50-year-old gentleman presents to his doctor with yellow skin, dark urine and pale stools. He also complains of poor appetite and unintentional weight loss of 10kg over 1 month.

- October 5, 2020·
Abdominal aortic aneurysm – taking control of the time bomb
When I was a radiology registrar ploughing through night calls, there will be that 1 or 2 CT scans requested for patients who present to the Accident & Emergency Department pale as a sheet due to extremely low blood pressure.

- May 23, 2020·
The Lead Apron – Can we make do without it?
The purpose of putting on a lead apron in radiology is to protect patients from unnecessary radiation exposure during an X-ray exam, especially to shield the reproductive organs (testicles and ovaries).
- April 26, 2020·
What dye?
Miss Siti, a 27-year-old lady was referred to our imaging centre for an MRI of her whole spine without contrast, having presented to her orthopaedic surgeon with a history of persistent mid back discomfort and tingling in her right hand for a few months.
- April 22, 2020·
Metals of the heart
Mr Tan, an 80 year old gentleman had a MRI conditional pacemaker inserted for second degree heart block and now requires a follow-up MRI rectum after a rectal surgery a couple of months ago. His son, a lawyer, asks our MR radiographer if his father is able to proceed with the MRI examination given this situation.
- April 6, 2020·
Radiology – not quite sugar or rice
Last week while driving to Botanic Gardens, a blinking orange light appeared on the dashboard of my Audi. Knowing nothing about cars, I brought it to the designated service centre.